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Canadian Events

  • Weekly Meditation 
    • Niagara Falls
      • 4694 Morrison Street
      • Niagara Falls, ON L2E 2B9, Canada
      • Thursdays at 1 pm – 2 pm
    • Edmonton
      • 12520 135 Avenue NW
      • Edmonton, Alberta T5L 3X3 Canada
      • Monday thru Friday: 7 pm – 8 pm

The Willpower Institute—Meditation Centers, with branches in the USA, Canada, and Thailand, was founded in 1997 by Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo, a master teacher of meditation, who currently serves as Lord Abbot of the famous Dhammamongkol Temple in Bangkok, Thailand.

Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo’s Vision is very personal in nature, while his vision is international in its scope: that is to share the peace and happiness that is attainable through the practice of meditation—with both students and meditation instructors—in a manner that would help to reduce world conflict and promote world peace. Meditation increases the potential power and influence of the human mind: with increased mental clarity, people are better equipped to control their emotions, thereby reducing violence and increasing harmony in relationships.

Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo’s Mission is to train new instructors to help spread the theory and practice of meditation. His reason for this is analogous to the aquatic ripple effect: As the master says: “You teach ten; they teach ten; and each of them teach ten. Soon, one thousand, one million.…”.  The ultimate goal of the Willpower Institute—Meditation Centers in the USA is to help promote happiness and world peace through meditation. Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo believes that spiritual enlightenment can be attained, and world peace achieved if sufficient number of people in the world consistently participate in the practice of meditation. Thus, Luangphor Viriyang (literally ‘perseverance’ in Thai) established more than 200 Willpower Institute-Meditation Centers in Thailand and North America, where people of all faiths are welcome.

Locations: There are currently six Willpower Institute—Meditation Centers in Canada, where the Meditation Instructor Course is offered free of charge: located in Edmonton, Vancouver, Calgary, Niagara Falls, Richmond Hill, and Ottawa. Most recently, Luangphor Viriyang has established a meditation center in the United States: located in Los Angeles, where meditation students / instructors in the USA can receive intensive training and instruction in meditation theory and practice, leading the students / instructors to more advanced techniques, including Vipassana; after which the graduates can be certified as meditation instructors.

A.M.Hall, 2017

You teach ten; they teach ten; and each of them teach ten. Soon, one thousand, one million.…

– Viriyang Sirintharo
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